Learn how powerful Pinterest can be for driving sales to your digital products
See exactly how I create pins in minutes with AI
Learn how to create & schedule 150+ pins per week in about 1.5 hours a week.
My Exact Digital Product Marketing Pinterest Strategy in 30 Minutes
My exact process for Pinterest pin creation and scheduling for getting 1000s of visits per week to my digital products and email opt-in page in just 30 minutes.

Meet Bailey
After spending years trying to make drop shipping, blogging, POD, KDP...and many other things work, I took a leap of faith and went all in on creative digital products, a $3 PNG tumbler wrap to be exact, and within 3 months of listing these types of products I hit $15,000 in sales in ONE month without ads or external marketing! I thought if I could hit $15K a month with these products what would happen if I automated a lot of the work and built a loyal group of customers who would keep making repeat purchases again and that is how I double and even tripled my monthly income withing the next 6 months. During the past year and half, I've been able to make over 370,000 sales with a $3 digital product on the Etsy platform on my original shop and digital products remain the cornerstone of my business even in other shops & businesses. As a top 0.1% Etsy seller, I know a few things about the digital product business and I'm so excited to teach others the fastest way to a seven figure business with my automated audience strategy!
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Please DO NOT buy this if you are a member of my AI Digital Product Sales & More on Skool as this is INCLUDED!! To join the Skool group for this and MANY other Sales Strategies, learn more here ➡️ https://www.skool.com/ai-digital-income-streams